How do I create a new event?

If you've created a new organization and its been approved by Tournkey admin you can create a new event

First start by logging into your account at and navigating to the Organizer role by clicking the profile icon in the top right and selecting Organizer.

From there follow the instructions below:

Getting Started

  1. If you're not already on the events page use the left-hand menu to select Events.
  2. On the right-hand side click 'Create New Event'
  3. On the next screen, you'll be asked to start providing additional event info. If you're creating a new event with a traditional round-robin or bracket format you'll want to start by selecting 'Event'.
    1. If you're creating a more complex event please seek additional support from your Tournkey account manager. 
  4. Start by providing a logo, event name, and city. If you don't have an event logo please select a template to move forward. If you don't see an applicable logo, please select a placeholder and contact to request a new addition. Logo and Name

  5. In the next section, you'll be prompted to select an event season as well as a previously created stripe account from the drop-down list. Every account is provided with a default season to start. 
  6. Add the start and end date of the event
  7. In the final section select all modules that apply to your event. If you do not see a module in this section it is not applicable to the current permissions of your account. 
  8. Select an event format:
  9. Select your sport
  10. Upload any required waivers to be signed by participants
  11. Add a description or event sales pages
  12. Finally, select registration open and close dates


  1. Provide a registration message that all recipients will receive at the bottom of their registration email. This note should provide any additional information you want your participants to have immediately after registering for your event i.e., direction, travel requirements, etc. 
  2. Select the Stripe account you've previously created to receive money from the event.
    1. You are permitted to create additional accounts if you wish to receive money to multiple bank accounts and/or currencies for event operators in multiple countries
  3. Set the default price for your event. Each division may have its own price but the default price is used until a time in which you replace it with the division details
  4. Event organizers can receive a deposit of 10-50% if they choose. No deposit is set by default.
  5. By default, your platform fees are reduced from your total payout. However, you do have the opportunity to ask your customers to pay this fee. We give you the power to determine the delivery but all fees are non-refundable. Organizers do have the ability to refund amounts equal to the fee collected by the platform regardless of the decision made here. 
  6. Finally, if you've upgraded your account you'll be able to receive offline payments. Including but not limited to checks, cash, money transfer, etc. 
  7. In the final step of creation, you'll be asked to create all of your divisions in bulk. You can create more later but our easy event launch allows you to use the default information above to quickly replicate information for each division.
  8. Once you've completed all these steps you'll be given an overview screen to review your information before finalizing the creation of your event. 

If you are unable to complete any stage of your event creation please contact or your account manager. If you'd like to report a bug please use the create a ticket link below.